❶ 在TM365中,看电影时常常有插播黑亮综艺,那个插曲叫什么名字,有人知道吗
free loop
歌手:Daniel Powter 专辑:Daniel Powter
I'm a little used to calling outside your name
I wont see you tonight so I can keep from going insane
But I don't know enough, I get some kinda lazy day
Hey yeah
I've been fabulous through to fight my town a name
I'll be stooped tomorrow if I don't leave as them both the same
But i dont know enough, I get some kinda lazy day
Hey yeah
Cause it's hard for me to lose
In my life I've found only time will tell
And I will figure out that we can baby
We can do a one night stand, yeah
And it's hard for me to lose in my life
I've found outside your skin right near the fire
That we can baby
We can change and feel alright
I'm a little used to wandering outside the rain
You can leave me tomorrow if it suits you just the same
But I don't know enough, I need someone who leaves the day
Hey yeah
Cause it's hard for me to lose
In my life I've found only time will tell
And I will figure out that we can baby
We can do a one night stand, yeah
And it's hard for me to lose in my life
I've found outside your skin right near the fire
That we can baby
We can change and feel alright
Cause it's hard for me to lose
In my life I've found only time will tell
I will figure out that we can baby
We can do a one night stand, yeah
And it's hard for me to lose in my life
I've found outside your skin right near the fire
That we can baby
We can change and feel alright
Cause it's hard for me to lose
In my life I've found only time will tell
And I will figure out that we can baby
We can do a one night stand, yeah
And it's hard for me to lose in my life
I've found outside your skin right near the fire
That we can baby
We can change and feel alright
OP(opening,即片头曲)、ED(ending ,即片尾曲)、IN(插曲)、 IM(image,印象曲)、TM(THEME SONGS,主题曲)、BGM(background music,背景音乐)。
❸ 我TM不愿 背景音乐是什么
Almost lover 歌词有一段 I can not go to the ocean .是慢版的 也是原版。
❹ 网上很火的那首摇臀dj低音音乐叫什么
❺ 这TM的什么歌啊!
好,6月5号《天天向上》的音乐,我知道的有如下这些——1、曹飞飞和毛妮出场时音乐是zac efron《now or never》 试听或下载地址——、曹飞飞演哭戏时背景音乐是韩剧《对不起我爱你》主题曲朴孝信《雪之花》 试听或下载地址——、金俊浩开场演唱韩语歌《我爱你》4、欧弟在天天向模仿rain时音乐是Rain《I`M Coming》、韩国组合U-kiss开场音乐《talk to me》6、“无双乐团”模特走秀时歌曲是Serebro《Song Number One》 MV观看——下载——[email protected]/904097.mp37、欧弟与无双乐团成员热舞音乐是Justin Timberlake《Lovestoned》 试听或下载地址—— 8、无双乐团在吹的乐曲是堀江由衣《樱》(日文名《桜见る运命》)歌曲试听或下载地址——、AUGUST唱的《暹罗之恋》(暹xiān)的主题曲《同行》 试听或下载地址—— 10、AUGUST唱给女生的那首英文歌是jason mraz《i`m yours》 试听或下载地址——、AUGUST最后合唱的歌是泰国电影《暹罗之恋》(暹xiān)的主题曲《Only you》(《只有你》),很好听的一首歌,试听或下载地址——
❻ 魔兽TM背景音乐啊
❼ 跪求新街口组合{我TM不愿意}背景音乐的歌曲名字 大家仔细听能听出来这背景音乐是另一个歌曲..
狗狗网里面可以找到 在狗狗网的MP3里面
❽ 233621tm 怎么播放mp3
后缀名是.mp3或者.MP3结尾其实都是MP3音乐文件的正确的后缀名,你可以将.MP3的转换成小写的试试是否可以,可以在运行中打cmd打开命令窗口,使用ren命令改名(格式:ren 11.MP3 11.mp3),如果还不能用,检查.MP3文件是不是经过Windows Media Pla