Ⅰ 胡歌代言的品牌有哪些
阿玛尼,小红书,雅迪电动车, 东方航空,平安保险,伯爵腕表,荣耀9,香奈儿香水、博朗剃须刀,北京现代,索尼,美汁源,猎聘网,光明畅优,网络钱包,魔力时代,必胜客,大话西游、琅琊榜,qq阅读,吉普,英孚教育,春纪、上海旅游、野兽派、清扬
Ⅱ 胡歌代言过什么啊、
胡歌代言的广告有九牧王裤业 卡路驰crocs 温纯服装 mensplus(男性主义)护肤品 诺基亚5230 天纬通讯 真味奶糖 白猫洗衣粉 阿尔卡特 桑塔纳 麦当劳 猎头网 城市新网 上好佳 荷氏润喉糖 唐山啤酒 万基洋参 西门子手机 杉杉西服 新踏运动鞋(XINTA) 法罗宾男鞋
Ⅲ 胡歌英语呵呵呵
ACCPTANCE SPEECH: Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening. I am Hu Ge, (that) come from China. It is a great honor to be here at this
Ⅳ 胡歌代言的英孚教育到底靠不靠谱啊!网上对英孚恶评不断啊…之前央视貌似也曝光过…有没有人给个中肯的
Ⅳ 胡歌代言的那个学英语app叫什么 有人记得
Ⅵ 胡歌代言的英孚英语拿着是什么手机还是平板
Ⅶ 关于胡歌的英文介绍
“这个人长得有点讨巧,似乎有那么点帅,当然这个“帅”也只是勉强冠之。原因有三:其一,喜欢笑。多情者今称之为“花”。花者不酷,不酷者颠,颠者无智,无智者残,残岂帅焉?其二,喜欢说。多语者今称之为“贫”。贫者不实,不实者浮,浮者无勇,无勇者虚,虚岂帅焉?其三,喜欢想。多思者今称之为 “柔”。柔者不坚,不坚者愁,愁者无志,无志者庸,庸岂帅焉?”
翻译:Childhood's I was very simple, like squatting in the restroom lie down in the bathtub sing, therefore “sang carelessly” summarized my childhood basically. has grown up I am simple, like lying prone nearby the computer pay excessive attention to wording, therefore “the Hu song” turned “the ancient month elder brother to owe”. “ancient " representative remembers past times; “the month " represents full of affection; “the elder brother " representative upholds justice, “owes " represents perfectly. Remembered past times lets me love art, might the load bearing happy recollection; Let me choose the Shanghai Opera institute's performance specialty full of affection, because I was glad the rich sentiment to pour into the stage; Upholds justice causes me to place throughout the friend the most important position; Caused me to fill curious and the expectation perfectly to the life. this is I, simple I! described that own words “this person is long a little takes the easy way, as if has that commander-in-chief, certainly this “commander-in-chief” is also only reluctant crown it. The reason has three: First, likes smiling. Full of affection now calls it “the flower”. The flower is not cool, the cool summit, jolting does not have the wisdom, doesn't have the wise to be remnant, how can it be that is remnant to lead? Second, liked saying. Multi-language now calls it “poor”. Poor is not solid, the reality does not float, floating is not brave, not brave empty, how can it be that empty to lead? Third, like thinking. Thinking of now calls it “supply”. The suppleness is not firm, the firmness did not worry, worrying does not have the will, doesn't have the will to be commonplace, how can it be that is commonplace to lead?” high school thesis piece “the early spring sunlight is taking along the golden color tender feeling shuttle between this big urban building, it has carried off the winter piercing chill in the air, leaves the people regarding spring's infinite daydream. Some wisp of sunlight as if specially cares for regarding some place, it does not hesitate by to cover entirely the st the glass, does not attend to all around the environment gloomy moist, rigid and hot pours into its light in an old style foreign-style house two building commonplace corner ......”
Ⅷ 胡歌代言过那几个品牌
游戏来代言 :2009年10月网络游戏《梦幻诛源仙》 广告代言 :天纬通讯、真味奶糖、白猫洗衣粉、阿尔卡特、桑塔纳、麦当劳、猎头网、 城市新网、上好佳、荷氏润喉糖、万基洋参、西门子手机、杉杉西服、玉情儿休闲服(Y.Q.E.R)、新踏运动鞋(XINTA)、法罗宾男鞋等。